(吉隆坡30日讯)英国驻马最高专员Charles Hay MVO宣布,英国文化协会(British Council)与英国9间大学合作,透过“非凡英国”奖学金计划(GREAT),为大马学生提供9份总额48万令吉的奖学金到英国深造。
- Birmingham City University
- Oxford Brookes University
- University of Bristol
- University of Exeter
- University of Glasgow
- University of Kent
- University of Newcastle
- University of Nottingham
- University of Reading
To be eligible for a scholarship, you must:
- be a citizen of Malaysia.
- have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to enter a postgraduate (taught) programme in a UK university
- be motivated and academically able to follow a UK postgraduate course
- active in the field with work experience or proven interest in the subject area
- meet the English language requirement of the UK university