Back in the time of the Samurai there was a powerful emperor who sent a declaration out throughout the country announcing that he was searching for a new head Samurai.
A year passed and only three people showed up to apply for the position: a Japanese Samurai, a Chinese Samurai and a Jewish Samurai.
The emperor asked the Japanese Samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be the new head Samurai. The Japanese Samurai opened a match box and out popped a little fly. Whoosh went his sword and the fly dropped dead on the ground in two pieces.
The emperor exclaimed, “ That is very impressive!”
The emperor then asked the Chinese Samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be the new head Samurai. The Chinese Samurai also opened a match box and out popped a fly. Whoosh – whoosh went his sword. The fly dropped dead on the ground in four pieces.
The emperor exclaimed, “ That is really very impressive!”
The emperor then had the Jewish Samurai demonstrate why he should be the new head Samurai. The Jewish Samurai also opened a match box and out popped a fly. His flashing sword went Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. A gust of wind filled the room, but the fly was still alive and buzzing around.
The emperor, obviously disappointed, asked, “After all of that, why is the fly not dead?”
The Jewish Samurai smiled and said,
“ Circumcision is not intended to kill.”
巴生光华独中声明书 针对网友Jessica Tan于10月12日(星期一)下午4时在个人面子书发布一篇涉及本校的贴文(现已被删除),本校针对其内容发表如下的声明: 1. 本校并无包庇涉案的老师 本校严正声明,这是涉案的老师在校方不知情的状况下,个人所做出的错误行为。本校...
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