Monday, March 15, 2021

坤成中学学生发起网上请愿 🖊 拒绝【自主学习课程】取代电脑课 !

请愿书链接:Change the self learning progam by Kuen Cheng High School


Kuen Cheng High School has introduced a new ‘subject/project’ to replace our computer classes for Sr2 and Sr3 (the ones that will be taking SPM and SUEC 2021). These classes are called ‘自主学习’  or self learning. Students are required to sign up on a platform called ‘ewant’ ( which is similar to skillshare, they provide online courses. We are instructed to sign up for a course on the platform and learn about the particular subject.

Why are we angry?

1.  This project requires students to use their OWN personal time to commence, note that online classes end earliest 2:20pm everyday. On Saturdays, we have online classes till 1 pm, and CCA from 4-5pm. We students have other hobbies/ tasks to attend to as well, considering our heavy load of homework and needing to revise, we have almost little to no time left for recreational activities/ time with family

2.  This project is compulsory. The marks will be calculated according to how the ‘ewant’ system grades you. The marks will be calculated in our total average at the end of the year.

3.  Our computer studies has been 100% cancelled. In 2021, computer studies are important as ever. We need to learn about how to use important softwares(eg. Adobe AI, Adobe PS, Microsoft Office, Coding, etc.) so that they’ll be of use when we finally join the workforce. As students who are going to graduate and go into college/ university in the near future, how can we not learn about computer studies?

4.  Upon asking the teachers about this project and questioning its necessity for Sr2 & Sr3 students, we were given no reply at all, or ‘go ask the headmistress’

5.  This project is called ‘self learning’, however it is not ‘self learning’ at all. We are forced to comply and take part because if we don’t we will have 0 marks from this subject.

What we want?

We hope that our school will hear our cries. Students have private lives, we cant dedicate 100% of our time to school. Change this project to an optional subject, those who take part will be calculated as one extra subject, and those who dont, will not lose marks as well.




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